Who is joel therien

My first professional career right out of University was as a Pulmonary and Cardiac Rehab Specialist. I was working at a hospital in Ottawa Ontario Canada. Despite an amazing boss, great colleagues and a great salary of $52 000 a year I quit eight months into it.

I just realized very quickly that working for someone else was not going to provide me with the future that I desired for me and my family. I remember saying to myself "Ok so now I do stress testing at this hospital for the next 40 years? Yuk!"

In 1997 I registered my very first domain name called "AylmerKiosk.com". The idea behind this domain was to build a local information portal for the town of “Aylmer” that I lived in. My goal back then was to just have a few dollars to either supplement my income or pay my mortgage.

Within 6 months of AylmerKiosk.com going live I had 400 hosting clients all paying me $20 a month. That was a gross revenue of $96 000 a year! Almost double of what I was making at the hospital already! Man was I pumped.

What I did not realize was that was just the “Tip of the Ice burg” of what was possible” Back then, affiliate programs were rare, VERY rare. But I was lucky enough to find a software to run our MLM which is still today Kiosk.ws. What I was making a year is often now what we make in a day! Of course we have alot of staff to pay, but never the less what we have I never thought possible. It is all our great affiliates around the world that we have to thank for such an amazing company.

Thank you to ALL of you!

Our next goal is to become one of the first cyber MLM companies to go to fortune 100 status. This goal WILL be realized and it part of our strategic plan for the building of our data center in San Antonio Texas, where fiber optics is very reliable and yet very cheap in cost.

Looking back, I had the wrong attitude with my “dreams” I certainly was not shooting nearly high enough. All of us listen to that little comforting voice in the back of our minds that dictate our realm of possibility and safety. The problem is that little voice is what holds us back in our comfort zone.

If there is one thing I have learned is that VERY LITTLE HAPPENS IN OUR COMFORT ZONE. Learn to stay out of it. Remember, there will be plenty of safety once you are six feet under the ground. By then it is too late!